Comments (6)

Once again: YOU GO, GABS!
Seriously, the simple "palm" is *golden*. :)
Now, if she hurt his ribs/solar plexus... would the Woodsman have to have bandages over the current swaddle? ;) In other words, what's the deal with them anyways... if I could be so bold to ask? Maybe its just part of a story we've yet to see in a flashback?
- a_o_t_8.
Seriously, the simple "palm" is *golden*. :)
Now, if she hurt his ribs/solar plexus... would the Woodsman have to have bandages over the current swaddle? ;) In other words, what's the deal with them anyways... if I could be so bold to ask? Maybe its just part of a story we've yet to see in a flashback?
- a_o_t_8.
Heh, bandage up his bandages.
The story of the bandages will need to wait for a later time. :)
The story of the bandages will need to wait for a later time. :)
And that's fine by me. :) The journey in reading this new online comic is worth the time!
Keep on rocking it! :D
Keep on rocking it! :D
I just learned that to read/post comments, you need to click into the comic of the week, not just view the main page... oops.
Tony, your comics rule! I am excited to see what happens next... that Blitz looks sketchy to me and apparently Gabby can kick some ass! Rock on!
Tony, your comics rule! I am excited to see what happens next... that Blitz looks sketchy to me and apparently Gabby can kick some ass! Rock on!
Comments by IntenseDebate
Comments (6)