If I was that cop, I would be wondering why the drop-off locations are so far apart. Did the kidnappers take their captives so far apart in different directions? If so, you are probably dealing with two groups of convicts, with the only sign of connection being the use of the same ransom demand call. Your one snare is not going to catch anything, let alone both groups. Besides, the cop should also realize that kidnapping across state lines automatically makes this an FBI case and the local and even state police are relegated to support roles. One of reasons the FBI was established was to deal with criminals operating across multiple state lines.
Self-driving car? I don't see a sweeping sensor light. Hmm, Larson did the same kind of thing in the original Cylon helmets too; that must have made it hard for the actors in those suits to see where they were going.
He might think he can catch them before they leave the state, & preventative measures are a good first step, even if he turns around & calls the FBI immediately after he ends the call he's on. He should, indeed, call in the feds now that other states have come up, but a smart fed will find out what measures have already been put in place & expand from there. There's also the traditional rivalry between various LEOs and no one likes giving up control to a rival.
Who says the jurisdictional rules are even the same in this world as ours? The Feds probably got tired of having to handle every shoplifting superspeedster who ran across 5 states with their pack of cigs, and every purse-snatching teleporter who grabbed bags in L.A. from his home in Cleveland.
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