We will soon be delving into Takashi Miyamoto and Eiichiro Toriyama’s history and exploring how their rift began. Would you like to help Legendary Woodsman? I’ve jumped on the Patreon bandwagon and started a campaign where you can sponsor Legendary[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
WHOMP! Who saw that coming? So while Eiichiro’s knocked out we get some flashback sequences with younger versions of the Woodsman and Miyamoto. We’ll also be introduced to Genki’s mom. Eiichiro had so much hair back then. (sigh.) -tony
Hello, I’m sorry. I’m having a frustrating time uploading the comic properly through the normal methods. I have hopefully found a work around that will accomplish the same goal. If you are having difficulty seeing the comic, you can[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
From April 24 to 27, I will be at the Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo at booth 522. I’ll be there selling the first four issues of Legendary Woodsman comics, crocheted Bean bears provided by Caesura Creations and shiny buttons.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…