Debuting October 3, it’s Marvel Universe Too: WHAT IF

Here’s a release from DC Fifty-TOO! curator, Jon Morris:

Starting Monday, October 3 in this here blog, many of the artists involved with the original DC Fifty-Too take their talents to the competition, and bring you their take on a wholly relaunched Marvel Universe – around 70 new Number One Issues from their dream Marvel Comics lineup!

I can promise new work from Buster Moody (Manhunter 2070), Mike Norton (Blue Beetles), Dieter Van der Ougstraete (Sea Devils), Charles Guthrie (Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love), Neal von Flue (Kid Eternity) and a host of others, plus some of the artists who were invited to participate in DC Fifty-Too but missed out, including Ryan Browne, Les McClaine, Steve Harrison and many more!

Thanks folks, see you in October – and stick around in September for more DC FIFTY-TOO!

-Jon Morris

I’ve contributed a cover as well and I’ve seen some amazing covers behind the scenes. October is going to be really exciting!
