I always fall asleep watching Lord of the Rings: Fellowship between the pub scene and Liv Tyler saving them. I can't imagine watching the extended editions.
I've never fallen asleep during a movie in the theater, but I've dozed off plenty of times watching something on the couch. Not generally because of the movie, but just my own need for sleep. Though to answer the question: one specific movie that knocked me out was the remake of "Solaris" with George Clooney.
I completely understand. I read Stanislaw Lem in University and sought out Solaris for the sci-fi legend. I\'m afraid I didn\'t like it as much as I wanted to.
In a movie theatre, never. Did fall asleep through the second act of Madame Butterfly. And I am a light sleeper that has frequent insomnia. I was out like a light. My first and last opera.
I saw Othello as an opera... And I guess the Jub was doing this thing that they would randomly pick people from the nose-bleeds to come and sit in this season ticket-holder's seats (the family said they wanted to be charitable or something...) anyway I got picked, so we're rushing down with the usher and I trip on the stairs and bruise my butt and tail-bone something fierce. So I get to sit in a great seat for 3 friggen hours wanting to cry the whole time because I was in so much pain... I should have stayed in the nose-bleeds and slept (because I really didn't enjoy the show: Desdemona dieing? she wailed for 5 minutes... come on and DIE already!)
I got talked into seeing Troy a second time in theaters.... 5 minutes in, I climbed over into the row of seats behind me and curled up for a nice long nap. It was so much better than watching that movie a second time.
Oh I've probably fallen asleep through many movies at home watching them in my off time or in bed by myself... But only once in the theatre. That was the last Die Hard. The recent one with his son? And it was right before the bad guy was all: "Let me reveal my evil plan and the whole purpose of this silly story!" I was asleep for like 10 minutes and woke up when his son was pulling him out of a pool(?) all worried he had died or something - my mom asked if I had a good nap then refused to tell me what had happened. *shrug* whatever. I was really tired going into the movie. And it bored me from the beginning. I don't imagnie the plot twist was twisty enough to have kept me enthralled had I NOT fallen asleep...
-> WJM, I totally agree, the last Die Hard was a snoozefest - I just watched it last week and it was an incredibly bland action film. You didn't miss anything, believe me. It was an insult to the John McClane legacy.
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