One summer while driving back from a cabin trip, I accidentally drove onto someone's property with a bag of garbage suspended outside the car window. We didn't have any room in the car for the garbage and we were looking for the nearby landfill so we left the property and found the landfill at the next turn. Unfortunately, the landfill was closed for the day and we left the bag of garbage at the gate. We stopped at a nearby town for a restroom break when we were confronted by the property owner who had followed us into town. The group of us tried our hardest to ignore her as she was making a big fuss. She accused us of purposefully going on her land "trespassing" to dump the garbage on her property and of "Illegal dumping." The local Royal Canadian Mounted Police happened to be nearby and she flagged him down and gave him her story. The constable asked the group of us who was responsible and against every urge I had to hide from this situation, I stepped up and took responsibility. The officer took out his citation booklet, asked for my identification and began writing a ticket. The property owner left confidant that justice will be served that day. Once she was out of view, the RCMP ripped up the ticket and told me to take the garbage to the dumpster in town. I guess she had the reputation of being the local crank and the fact that I owned up to the deed allowed for some leniency. That was my scary brush with the law and maybe the bravest thing I've ever done.
Probably leaving the field I had trained for all throughout university bachelor's degree (and masters degree). Then spending about 9 years in it, before deciding I needed to find something that makes me happier (and less stressed).
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