Comments (3)

1) Being able to wear a poncho with bike shorts and not be judged.
2) Getting away with stuff: "Oh they're only 6, they don't know any better!" Yes we do.
3) Going on family trips to BC during summer vacations.
4) Being wet-my-pants excited about things (like a toy, movie, game).
5) Silly fun games like Capture-the-Flag or made-up ones like Run-As-Fast-As-You-Can-to-the-End-of-the-Driveway-and-Back-Again-While-Being-Sprayed-with-the-Hose.
6) 90s TV, movies, books.
7) Standing around in a circle with friends discussing the latest urban legends that we heard - and scaring ourselves.
8) The uncomplicated-ness of it all.
2) Getting away with stuff: "Oh they're only 6, they don't know any better!" Yes we do.
3) Going on family trips to BC during summer vacations.
4) Being wet-my-pants excited about things (like a toy, movie, game).
5) Silly fun games like Capture-the-Flag or made-up ones like Run-As-Fast-As-You-Can-to-the-End-of-the-Driveway-and-Back-Again-While-Being-Sprayed-with-the-Hose.
6) 90s TV, movies, books.
7) Standing around in a circle with friends discussing the latest urban legends that we heard - and scaring ourselves.
8) The uncomplicated-ness of it all.
I miss running all out, feeling incredibly thirsty, and chugging a huge glass of water in gulps, taking deep breaths in between.
gulp - gulp - gasp - gasp - gulp - gulp!
gulp - gulp - gasp - gasp - gulp - gulp!
Comments by IntenseDebate
Comments (3)