Detective Boogaloo
Today’s F3 features Jamar Nicholas’s Detective Boogaloo! I’ve known Jamar for approximately 12 years now, when I was starting out with Cigarro & Cerveja and I was checking out the Yahoo! Groups for comic advice and expertise. The IndyCredAllstars were there for me and helped me out a lot.
Jamar has over the last few months been going Big Time. His adaptation of Geoffrey Canada’s Fist Stick Knife Gun has hit the shelves and Jamar has received award nominations because of it. Jamar is an inspiration.
Detective Boogaloo belongs to Jamar Nicholas.
Drawing done with permission.
I love getting fan art. It’s wonderful to see that someone has dedicated their time and effort out of their busy schedule and made something special. If you’d like to submit some Legendary Woodsman art, please contact me.
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